Twilight Zone

You’re Invited! 2024 Virtual New Year’s Eve Twilight Zone Party

I’ve had people ask me, “Are we doing the Twilight Zone party this year?” And the answer is YES! Yes, we are. If you want to join the party, all you need is a Facebook account. Sigh, I know. The problem is when I started the party over a decade ago, I used Facebook to do it. If I had known better, then I would have used something else. Anyway, the link to join is here at “Twilight Zone NYE Posse”: . This is a closed group. Once the admin approves your request, you can join. The SyFy marathon begins on December 31 at 12 am CST and ends on January 2nd at 3:30 am CST. The virtual party takes place in the Posse; a thread will be posted for every episode in real time. Members discuss the episodes in real time.

Join Me in The Zone! December 31-January 2nd.

History of the Party

For those who don’t know, I started this party in 2013 so no one would have to be alone on New Year’s Eve, including people with disabilities and chronic illnesses. There are a multitude of reasons disabled people may spend the holiday alone including chronic pain, fatigue, being immunocompromised, depression, and more. Since I started the party over a decade ago, people from all over the world come every year to ring in New Year’s together during SyFy’s iconic 3-day marathon. We have built a community. One year, Anne Serling–the daughter of Twilight Zone creator Rod Serling–attended my party. Anne answered people’s questions in real time! To see 10 years worth of my New Year’s Eve TZ party recaps, click here.

SyFy Schedule

SyFy released their marathon schedule for this year; you can read it here. If you want to pop in and out, that’s great. I don’t know anyone who watches every single episode. As I do every year, I want to thank SyFy for bringing together Twilight Zone fans from all over. I have cable. I encourage you to get SyFy if you don’t already.


Hi there! I am a patient advocate, writer, and public speaker most well known for my TEDx Talk, “How to Get Stuff Done When You Are Depressed.” As someone who is juggling 5 illnesses: bipolar 2, myasthenia gravis, endometriosis, psoriasis, and asthma, I’m passionate about helping people who navigate life with both chronic physical & emotional pain. If you’re interested in hiring me to speak at your event, check out the CONTACT tab.

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