CommunityTwilight Zone

5th Annual NYE Twilight Zone Party Was a Success!

Thank You For Coming to My 5th Annual Online NYE Twilight Zone Party!

I’d like to thank everyone who came to my 5th Annual Online New Year’s Eve Twilight Zone Party during SyFy’s iconic 48-hour TZ marathon.  This party was a success, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the volunteers who helped me co-host.  I’d like to thank everyone who attended; at least 68 guests attended the party on Facebook from around the world–both people who come every year and people who came for the first time.  Our marathon parties are like a virtual drive-in.  We are a community.  The party is always free; all people need to attend is Facebook.  And, of course, I’d like to thank SyFy for curating a great combination of episodes this year for 48 consecutive hours.  Our community would not exist without them.


This year’s party would not have been possible without the volunteers who helped me co-host.  I got very sick on Christmas.  Just having a cold is a very painful thing for me as someone who has myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune disease, and four other illnesses.  I already have daily ear pain and sometimes respiratory problems–those problems become more serious and painful when I have a cold much less the flu.  At one point, during the marathon, I developed a fever.  Of course, I didn’t plan on getting sick.  But, even if I did not get sick, a 48-hour marathon is still a lot of work!  We post free episodes on Facebook for guests who do not have SyFy or cable.  I especially want to thank the following people who co-hosted this year:

  • Matt
  • Roman
  • Mark
  • Edwin

The Origins of This Party

As many of you know, I originally started this annual marathon party on Facebook in 2013  because of health problems that usually left me bedridden on many New Year’s Eve.  Chronic pain is a horrible thing.  I wanted to make sure that no one spent this holiday alone (unless they want to, of course).  Over the years, many people with a variety of illnesses have attended.  And many healthy people have attended too for a variety of reasons ranging from being fans to not wanting to go to parties with alcohol.  As I was planning the party, I couldn’t believe it was our 5th New Year’s Eve Party!  I usually host one during SyFy’s annual July 4th Marathon Party too, which is only 24-hours long.

The Matzo Balls Are Due On Ginger Street

One tradition we have is called a “Virtual Potluck.”  I start a thread and people post pictures of their New Year’s Eve meals and we think up names for them using puns from Twilight Zone episodes.  This year, I had matzoh ball soup (my favorite) with rugelach, pastrami sandwiches, and grape juice.  My platter (a Christmas gift from my mom) has a gingerbread on it. I called my dish, “The Matzoh Balls Are Due on Ginger Street,” in honor of a fan-favorite TZ episode, “The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street.”

Join This Group To Stay in the Loop for Future Parties

If you’re interested in attending next year’s New Year’s Eve Online Twilight Zone Party, just join the NYE Twilight Zone Posse HERE.  It’s a closed group on Facebook.

A Little About Me

Hope to see you in the zone next year!  Until then, you can keep up with this website, Fashionably ill, which is about surviving pain–mental and physical–with style and humor.  I talk about living the chronic life with myasthenia gravis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, bipolar disorder, psoriasis, and asthma. You can learn more about me if you’re new in my TEDx Talk, “How To Get Stuff Done When You Are Depressed,” which recently surpassed 1 million views.

–Jessica Gimeno


Hi there! I am a patient advocate, writer, and public speaker most well known for my TEDx Talk, “How to Get Stuff Done When You Are Depressed.” As someone who is juggling 5 illnesses: bipolar 2, myasthenia gravis, endometriosis, psoriasis, and asthma, I’m passionate about helping people who navigate life with both chronic physical & emotional pain. If you’re interested in hiring me to speak at your event, check out the CONTACT tab.

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