I’ll Be Back Tomorrow/Facebook
Hello FI readers,
I just started a new Facebook page for this blog. I also went to Debate for the first time in three weeks. I’m officially out of hibernation after weeks of fighting problems with a cold complicated by previous damage to my ears and nose. Hooray! Fresh air. But the thing is I had/have a lot of things to catch up on so I missed making a new post today. But I will be back tomorrow writing about mental health and an epiphany I had after a friend’s suicide when I was 19-years old.
In the meantime, you can join me and other FI peeps on Facebook. I have a new Facebook page for this blog, and would like to get 500 Likes before Christmas. On my Facebook page I have memes–not featured on this website–aimed at laughing at pain. As you know, I think laughter is an important part of survival–whether it’s illness or other trials in life. JOIN us here https://www.facebook.com/fashionablyill. Tell your friends about it too! You can meet other fantastic people too.
I’ll be back. (Was gonna post a picture or gif of The Terminator but it seems too violent in retrospect.)
–Your Styist,
Jessica Gimeno