Illinois “Save Our Healthcare” Rally Attracts Overflow Crowds
Check out my latest article in The Huffington Post here. I covered a “Save Our Healthcare” Rally in Chicago on Sunday. I like millions of Americans stand to lose my healthcare if the ACA is repealed. In the article, you’ll read my interviews with rally attendees and hear about the great speeches from disability, mental health, and cancer activists. Some impressive, brave people there. Another reason to read it–I was wiped out for three days after the rally. Tried to turn it in to my editor last night after I was feeling better but then I had so many computer problems. I felt like I was in college again–when your computer crashes the night before the paper. So please read it and if you want to save the ACA, please share it. You can also join me here at the Healthcare Rights Coalition.
Here is an excerpt–a quote from Tracy Trovato whose husband Carlo is a cancer survivor:
Trovato said, “There is a 15% chance that Carlo’s cancer can return. If that happens, it is treatable. The science is with us but if our insurance company turns him away, it doesn’t matter. Pre-ACA, sickness and bankruptcy went hand in hand. The biggest obstacle to the GOP repealing the ACA is people who are willing to share their stories. No matter who you are or where you get your insurance from, a repeal will impact you. Eliminating lifetime caps are the best kept secret of the ACA. And when 156 million Americans learn what’s at stake, they are not going to want a repeal. Tell your stories!”
–Your Stylist, Jessica Gimeno