
I’m a Mental Health Hero!

I was just named a 2014 Mental Health Hero, an award given by Psych Central.  Mental health humorist, Chato B. Stewart, did a caricature of me.  You can see his drawing (and his kids’  drawings of me) and my profile here:


I would like to thank all of my readers who bravely fight illness (mental illnesses and other invisible illnesses and visible illnesses) for inspiring me every week whether it’s through your comments on this blog or your messages on Facebook.  Speaking of which, like us on Facebook and join our conversation: https://www.facebook.com/fashionablyill



Hi there! I am a patient advocate, writer, and public speaker most well known for my TEDx Talk, “How to Get Stuff Done When You Are Depressed.” As someone who is juggling 5 illnesses: bipolar 2, myasthenia gravis, endometriosis, psoriasis, and asthma, I’m passionate about helping people who navigate life with both chronic physical & emotional pain. If you’re interested in hiring me to speak at your event, check out the CONTACT tab.

2 thoughts on “I’m a Mental Health Hero!

  • I found your website from Chronic Babe.

    • That’s awesome! I’m so happy to hear that. Are you on Facebook? We’re also on Facebook. Nice to meet you–Jessica


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