Comedy Corner #3
It’s time to start another week with humor. As I’ve previously blogged about, I think laughter is the most overlooked tool in fighting fatigue and pain (emotional or physical). This week’s comedy corner includes: Kevin Bacon’s hilarious Footloose sketch, a little boy shoveling snow, and my nephew.
1. Kevin Bacon’s Footloose Entrance on the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
So I just saw this now and I’ll probably watch it a dozen more times. (Okay probably more–next time I’m bedridden, I’m watching this.) I can’t believe it’s been 30 years since Footlose. Kevin Bacon looks great. Hilarious.
2. Little Boy Shoveling Snow
So technically Spring is here. The Spring Equinox happened three days ago. I hope it continues to get warmer and stays that way. The above video has gone viral the past few weeks. This little, exasperated boy says what people have been thinking for the past four months. Adorable!
3. My Nephew, Mikko, on President’s Day
I’ve blogged a lot about Mikko, who is now six-years old. Time for another Mikko-ism. On President’s Day, when we were getting bundled up to go outside, we had this conversation:
Me: You look like a winter ninja. I can’t see your nose.
Mikko: Why do we need noses?
Me: To breathe and smell.
Mikko: Then how does the starfish breathe?
Me: [stumped]
I guess I should have paid more attention in class. Later that day I googled it and found out that starfish breathe through something called populae and tubed feet. I read the article to my nephews. Mikko will most likely remember this information and it will randomly appear in a conversation one year from now.
What makes you laugh?
Join our conversation on Facebook. We discuss a lot of things on Fashionably ill’s Facebook page–more recently, I asked readers this:
Question: Is it hard to make friends with new people (who have no illnesses) sometimes because they assume you are unreliable or uncommitted? Having chronic illness, our schedules can be unpredictable and we often don’t get to do the things we planned on doing.
I’ve learned so much from hearing people’s stories. No matter your illness, you are not alone. We are not alone.
–Your Stylist, Jessica Gimeno